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PreacHer Sunday
Sunday, March 2nd, 2025

The Free Methodist Church ordains women. Sure, you know that. But does your congregation? 

The next PreacHer Sunday will be Sunday, March 2nd, 2025.


PreacHer Sunday is the first Sunday of each quarter. Other PreacHer Sunday dates for 2025 will be: June 1, September 7, and December 7.

FMC women have difficulty getting appointed to senior positions, and when they do, large segments of the church often leave. One reason is that they never see a woman in leadership—or in the pulpit.


We need to change that.


You can’t accept what you’ve never imagined.

You can’t imagine what’s never been.

You can’t be what you don’t see.

PreacHer Sunday is a joint initiative of the FM network Advocates for Women in Leadership and the Strategic Catalyst for Love Driven Justice. The goal is for every church in the FMC USA to have a woman deliver the main service message at least four times a year.


AWL is ready to assist your church in accomplishing this goal in several ways:

  • Suggestions for different ways this goal can be accomplished 

  • Suggestions of women who can preach/teach in your church

  • A list of qualities you might look for in women in your congregation who can teach and preach

  • Support for women in your congregation who have gifts of preaching but might be hesitant to speak on a Sunday morning

  • Resources to teach your congregation about the importance and biblical welcome of women in ministry

Contact us here to get started.

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