Authority and Submission
Submission and the Legal Reality of Peter’s Rome by Jill Richardson
Chain of Inference: “Seeing” Male Authority as God’s Design in Genesis by Bob Edwards
The Bible Teaches the Equal Standing of Man and Woman by Philip B. Payne
See also videos on our video page, such as:
Humility: it looks different for women and men
Theology of Suffering
Headship in Ephesians
Women Pastors and 1 Tim 2:12
There are Women Pastors in the New Testament by Marg Mowczko
Was Paul For or Against Women in Ministry? by Craig Keener
“But What About 1 Timothy 2:12?” Ten Talking Points by Gail Wallace
Women in Leadership: The Only Thing That Matters is What the Bible Says by Kelly Ladd Bishop
Humor: Ten Reasons Men Should Not Be Ordained as Ministers by David M. Scholer
See also videos on our video page, such as:
Why do women preach?
The pushback
Adventures in Sexist Hermeneutics
Modesty, 1 Tim 2:9 and I Peter 3:3-4
5 Things the Bible Does (and Doesn’t) Say About Modesty by Jill Richardson
Modesty: I Don't Think It Means What You Think It Means by Rachel Held Evans
Church Tradition
Feminine Language for Paul and Jesus in the 11th Century by St. Anselm
Modest, Industrious, and Loyal: Reinterpreting Conflicting Evidence for Women's Roles by Susan E. Hylen. Email AWL for full article.
"Women and Authority in the Fourth Century" from Chrispina and Her Sisters by Christine Schenk. Email AWL for full article.
See also "Holiness in Black & White" on our podcast and websites page.